Ornithopter flying photos
These 2 are the best i could get 🙁 Hope u like ’em! […]
These 2 are the best i could get 🙁 Hope u like ’em! […]
These are all my poems that I have written so far- Nature the painting of the world Which can be seen by all Flowers show the colors of the rainbow when it isn’t raining The water shows us the sky which is very far away from us. Trees make us to reach our goals by […]
Bangalore has been having a serious power problem, its been going on and off a lot! So last night in the kitchen mum had put on a candle and it looked really nice so I tried various angles and zooms. So this is one of ’em This is one more and i shall look […]
1. Characters: Protagonists: Character Name: Kimberly Nick name: Kimmy Age: 25 Gender: Female Hair Colour: Blonde/ Gold Average Clothing: Designer Wear Occupation: Journalist Race: Caucasian Family Information: Parents: Father: Donald Mother: Cassandra Aunt: Katherine Special Powers: Writing Debating History: She has been playing Basketball since she was 6 Character Name: Katherine Nick name: Cathy Age: […]
Bennigton Carlton A Story Characters in the story- ·Mr. Bennigton Carlton-the hero, ·The Butler a guy from Puerto Rico Carlos Codas and his wife Senora Codas, ·His daughter Kate named after his late wife Kate, ·The bus driver, ·Kate’s best friend Rivan, ·The Hijackers who work for ‘The Young Strikers’, ·Canate Striker the son of […]
Rules are meant to be broken Characters of the play Jodi Parker Matt Sandburg Catherine Parker- Jodi’s mother, she takes care of her until she turns 18. Mitch Parker- Jodi’s father, Jodi has not seen him much as he left when she was only 7 years of age. Stephen Sandburg- Matt’s parents, owners of a […]
The latest assignment I have got from college is to write a drama which is related to America I shall be starting that in a bit these are the basic ideas I have jotted down so far- i was thinking of 2 houses which r next to each other they prolly go to to same […]
These are the 2 works i made for the fest we the second years organised, I have designed everything in it except for the verse. My good friend Juney wrote that. I have also added a close up of the logo. […]
I got a new lens 2 weeks back and I have clicked quiet a few photos here are a few of them. Hope you like them! […]