The year 2014!

Da-Magix.Com, my company has had a very successful year! Designed and made a few websites, wedding invitations and other design collaterals. On the personal front as well, I have had a few changes! This is a year, where I have tried to get clients from different areas of work, apart from wedding and email invitations, […]

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Divergence- Deviation from norms?

[column_half] [/column_half] Empathy and sympathy are two strong feelings, and I love reading books, so I tend to see characters and situations slightly different. I feel with them, I try to put myself in their shoes. Divergent series by Veronica Roth, is very psychological (in layman’s terms of course). Society and individuals are divided into […]

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The Year That is Coming to the Close!

A lot has happened over the year! I seem to always start my new year posts every year. This yeah has by-far been the most different year so far. I have done a lot of new things, I had an eye opener early on this  year, which I will explain at great length in a […]

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Arise! Awake!

We always find excuses to postpone things in life, in my case it would be to write and honest blog post; like I used to before. A post that gives an insight into what I am doing (apart from working). Lot of things have been going on the past few months, sometimes we or I […]

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