Things happen for a reason, call it fate or destiny everything has a purpose. So this post is about how I am feeling nostalgic and stuff, about 30 days left in college, some things have happened which are simply amazing!
First thing that changed me, was ordering my cam, originally I wanted a sony h9! Thank God Uttam suggested this camera! Taking the certificate course was prolly the best thing I did, I made soooooo many friends thanks to it. Oh and yeah, the next thing was clicking for college during Darpan 2008, I had sooooo much fun. Designing for Inbloom 08 was nice and it opened my eyes to all that designing and all that creativity! It was a real nice experience. Designing for Backstage Passes, was also damn amazing, but it was only an eye opener. I am still laughing at myself, when I took part in Darpan in 1st yr, that was such a shitty design! I laugh at myself every time I see it 😛 My so called Pratham, amazing magazine thank you Christ Uni 😛
Well 2009 is still surreal, cause Darpan was amazing, designing for it was sooooo damn relaxed, photos were not as good as the previous years, i guess wasnt in a mood to do it, felt more like a burden than a hobby! Inbloom wow! I loved every bit of it, designing for it clicking photos, amazing experience! Made soooooo many more friends, had loads of fun, the photos have come out sooooo damn well, I am damn happy! I am going to add photos here 😀 In a separate post.